The Orange traffic light system will be in effect for Speedway tomorrow night. This means the following;
Vaccine pass verification for all people 12 years and 3 months of age and over; Proof of identity i.e. photo I.D, drivers licence, passport, Student ID may be requested for entry.
People with a valid medical exemption are included in the verification process through the Ministry of Health App. Proof of identity i.e. photo I.D, drivers licence, passport, Student ID may be requested for entry. No letter or other form of medical exemption is acceptable.
Only one dose will be required for the below ”Event Workers” up until the 17 January 2022 after which all workers will be required to meet the Covid Vaccination Certificate requirements, workers are defined as below;
- Speedway NZ Volunteers (SNZ Official) - fall under the mandate
- Track Officials/ Crash Crew - fall under the mandate
- Competitors Youth & Adult as semi-professional performers for entertainment - fall under the mandate
- Contractors to the event (i.e., Fire Service, Medical Crew, Security / Gate Staff) - fall under the mandate
- Crew in respect of their volunteering services to a semi-professional performer - fall under the mandate.
You will be required to show a valid Vaccine pass or an acceptable proof of first vaccination. For any person classified as an Event Worker as above, proof of having your first vaccine can be obtained from your doctor or via the authorised online portal. The appointment card people receive when getting their vaccine is “not” a valid form of proof. Proof of identity i.e. photo I.D, drivers licence, passport, Student ID may be requested for entry.
In addition to this All Spectators/Public attending the event, aged over 12years and 3months are required to have valid Vaccine Pass (double dose), anyone under 12 years and 3 months of age are exempt. Click here to get your Vaccine Pass
Face masks are encouraged to be worn at all times, except when consuming food or beverage.
All people must scan in using the NZ Covid tracer app. Manual registers will be available for those unable to scan.
Please stay home if you are unwell!